Kentuckiana Genealogy: County: Clark Co., Indiana: Peyton/Shouse/McKee
By Seth ( on Monday, May 19, 2008 - 11:45 am: |
Please contact me with any information regarding Micajah Peyton, or his line. I am descended from Micajah, through his son Lorenzo > Absalom > Lewis > Leslie > Lenora (Moomey > my father..
Please reach me at
By Karen ( on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 - 09:51 pm: |
Micajah Peyton and Christina Shouse and Offsprings any information on the family in Clark Co. IN-his doings as a magistrate-land, bibles, etc, would love to hear from anyone who has information concerning these folks. Thank you for any reply.
By sarahash on Thursday, September 14, 2000 - 10:46 am: |
I'm not researching these familys but did know a family that lived in Scott Co. right above Clark Co.It was in Scottsburg,In.Peyton family.I knew JoAnn Peyton,in the early 50's.Have Pictures.
Carol J. Collins Rupard
formly of Scott Co. In.
You are welcome to write my addy.
By Paulette on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 11:00 pm: |
Micajah Peyton married Christina Shouse. Their daughter Lucinda Peyton married John McKee. They had several children while living in Clark Co., IN. I would love to hear from anyone researching this family. Thank you for any reply to