Kentuckiana Genealogy: County: Meade Co., Kentucky: NOBLE, YOUNG, STRANGE, ASH, CRECELIUS, MODE
By Claudette Fulkerson (Sally38) ( on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 06:52 pm:

I have Ash ancesters from Nelson county Ky. John Ash an early settler. Most of his sons were captured by indians. Some became indian traders. John Ash's wife as well as her baby were killed by the indians.Would like to exchange info.

By Julie Noble ( on Monday, May 17, 2004 - 09:01 pm:

Looking for more information on the Nobles - particularly Joseph, Austin, and Peter Noble who came from Maryland to Bardstown, Nelson County, KY around 1790, and lived in Garnettsville area and Big Bend area of Meade County from about 1820. Descendants moved on to Harrison County, and Parke County, IN and westward from about 1860-1880. Associated surnames - Young, Strange, Ash, Crecelius, Mode

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