Kentuckiana Genealogy: County: Crawford Co., Indiana: 1820 Crawford Co., Census Index: Archive through June 30, 2003
By Gary W. Goodson (Goodsondavis) ( on Monday, June 30, 2003 - 08:47 pm: |
Would anyone know if the above listed persons are: Thomas Davis--son of William David Davis and Mary 'Polly' Wood? John Wood-- Son of William Eood and Sarah Ann Stark?
By Velma Walker ( on Sunday, June 29, 2003 - 03:48 pm: |
Is there any further information available for the 1820 census besides name of head of household? I noticed there is a Chris Wright listed in Crawford Co., IN in 1820 and would like to know if any of his family is accounted for on this record.
By Board Administration (Admin) on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 12:18 pm: |
Abel, Francis
Amos, William
Allen, Archibald
Baker, Aaron
Barley, John
Barnett, Alexander
Beals, Bath
Beals, David
Bell, John
Bently, William
Belcher, Jesse
Bawn, William
Borns, Thomas
Bowman, James
Bird, Jonathon
Bradford, Joseph
Bramlett, John
Brice, William
Briley, Margaret
Blackburn, Ephraem
Bogard, Benjamin
Briley, James
Bobb, Stephen
Bogard, James
Bow, Andy
Bowdin, Joseph
Boman, A.
Brown, Rachel
Brown, William
Brownfield, William
Buckner, Henry
Bulloch, John
Burris, Jesse
Burris, Thomas
Cabbage, James
Casby, John
Campbell, Enoch
Campbell, William
Charles Chaplin
Clerk, John
Cochran, Nancy
Colter, Daily
Condra, John
Conrad, Henry
Cooper, John
Cornelius, Philip
Cosley, Stephen
Course, William
Curry, Edward
Curry, William
Danford, Josiah
Davidson, Dan
Davidson, Thomas
Davis, Asa
Davis, Ruth
Davis, Thomas
Deburn, Solomon
Deffries, Elias
Dermon, Andrew
Dillman, M.
Downs, Ezekiel
Downs, James
Enlow, Jesse
Everett, Abraham
Fitzjerald, Jesse
Fleming, Thomas
Flinn, James
Follow, John
Followell, John
Followell, Martin
Ford, Noah
Freid, John
Frornan, Jacob
Fullenwider, Henry
Funk, Elizabeth
Funk, John
Funk, Joseph
Funk, Peter
Glenn, James
Glenn, James
Glenn, John
Glenn, Sam
Glenn, Sam
Glenn, Thomas
Goldman, John
Goldman, John
Goldman, John
Goldman, Jesse
Goldman, William
Golden, Thomas
Gott, William
Green, Henry
Hackman, John
Hall, Ben
Hall, Cornelius
Hall, Jarrit
Hall, Joshua
Hall, William
Hart, Uriah
Hart, William
Harvey, Michael
Harvey, James
Hase, Elijah
Haskins, David
Helm, John
Helm, Thomas
Hobbs, Nathan
Holland, Anthony
Holland, James
Hollowell, Lizzie
Hollowell, William
Jenkins, Jeremiah
Jenkins, Mason
Jewell, John
Jordan, Morris
Jones, Sarah
Justine, Moses
Kathkart, Stephen
Kellams, James
Kellers, John
Kellums, Jean
Kemp, Maude
Kemp, Reuben
Kinkaid, Andrew
Kinkaid, John
Kinkaid, Joseph
Kinkaid, William
Kurts, Conrad
Lake, John
Lance, James
Landrus, Sam
Lantly, Sam
Lawrence, Landon
Leavenworth, Zebulon
Lee, Abraham
Lee, John
Lee, John
Lee, William
Lewis, James
Lewis, John
Levy, Solomon
Librius, Mark
Longest, Caleb
Lovel, Reuben
Lovet, Mary
Luther, Peter
Lynch, Elizabeth
Lyons, James
Lyons, Timothy
Mansfield, James
Martin, Edward
Mason, Andrew
Mathers, William
Maxwell, Thomas
May, William
Mayfield, Thomas
McBride, Allen
McCarty, Abner
McCarty, John
McCarty, William
McCay, Dan
McGee, Jesse
McMahon, Peter
McMahan, Sam
McMichel, Jacob
McMutrey, James
McMutrey, John
McNight, John
McWill, Jonathan
McWilliams, John
Miley, Jacob
Miller, William
Milliz, David
Monk, Malachi
Monroe, Samuel
Moore, Elisha
Moore, Robert
Morgan, E. E.
Mulky, James
Murray, Elizabeth
Munk, Sam
Musgrove, A. J.
Nenis, Robert G.
Newkirk, Cornelius
Nicholson, Joseph
Numdle, Yenby
0'Bannan, Abagail
Osborn, John
Osborn, Jonathan
Osborn, Robert
Osborn, William
Pare, Thomas
Patrick, Brice
Patrick, Martin
Paugh, Jeremiah
Payton, James
Peckinpaugh, Peter
Pennington, Moses
Perkhizer, Henry
Persons, James
Persons, William
Phillips, Elisha
Pope, Elijah
Pope, Pilgrim
Potter, Elisha
Potter, Jesse
Potter, John
Potter, William
Pursons, Reuben
Pyle, Edward
Reed, Maude
Remmington, Peter
Rice, David
Riche, James
Riddle, Charles
Riddle, James
Ridge, Charles
Riley, William
Roberson, Stephen
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, William
Rodenback, Peter
Roderock, John
Roger, Christian
Ruel, Clark
Russell, James
Ruth, John
Samuels, John
Samuels, John, Sr.
Sands, Edward
Saron, Peter
Sauerheber, Valentine
Scott, Andrew
Scott, James
Scott, John
Scott, Robert
Scott, W. C.
Scott, William J.
Scott, Wilson
Shaw, James
Shepard, William
Shubusky, John
Smith, John L.
Smith, W. J.
Spencer, Robert
Springer, Charles
Springfield, James
Stokes, John
Stone, John
Stone, Oliver
Suaves, William
Stroud, Thomas
Sturgeon, John
Swoning, David
Sybart, John
Tadlock, Elisha
Tadlock, Jeremiah
Taylor, David
Temple, Caleb
Tibbs, John
Toney, Alganda
Totten, James
Totten, Jonas
Tucker, M. H.
Van Meter, John
Van Winkle, Abraham
Van Winkle, James
Van Winkle, Joseph
Vaughn, Obadiah
Vinun, Jesse
Wabow, William
Walker, Robert
Walls, William
Walson, Isaiah
Warfield, Henry
Watson, Robert
Weathers, Daniel
Weathers, Richard
Weedman, Jacob
Wentosh, James
Westfall, William
White, Richard
Whitehead, Arthur
Wilks, Sam
Willett, William
Williams, Addison
Williams, Constance
Williams, Jesse
Williams, Richard
Williams, Thomas
Wiseman, Abraham
Wiseman, Ben
Wood, John
Woodford, Julius
Wright, Chris
Wyman, George
Yates, James
Yates, John
Yates, Robert
Zabins, Edward