Kentuckiana Genealogy: Queries: Unsolved Mysteries: ARCHIVED QUERIES: KENTUCKY BABY, INDIANA START MAYBE????

By PatsieHatley ( on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 01:27 pm:

I have Chastains in both my dad's and my mom's side of family tree. Let me look in my records and I will get back to you tomorrow, my day off. I have Chastains that married Clarks and Chastains that married fitzgeralds but have to look them up. Okay?

By Penny Hobson ( on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 11:45 am:

Chastain is a Surname and would most likely point to the female's parents or a brother named after grandparents. I would search AR 1860 census for Cargile for research on her family where they may show up.

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