Streeval Family

Kentuckiana Genealogy: Queries: General Queries: Streeval Family
By Doug Streeval ( on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 10:35 pm:

i was wrong on the year he was born in 1924

By Doug Streeval ( on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 10:28 pm:

My grandfather's name was William Leonard Streeval, b. Sept 7 1934(not sure on day but right on year) d. Dec 11 2004.. I know that he came from colmbia but lived in casey county for a long time. my grandma's name is lavern streeval. my grandpa is a retired minister.. my dads name is greg.. email me back if u need to know anything else, i do recall hearing some of those names but i dont know any of them off hand..

By Diana K ( on Monday, June 28, 2004 - 03:48 pm:

I do not know if you are still looking for information about Streevals, but I just now found this note. My name is Diana Streeval Keller. I am from Edinburgh, Indiana originally. Moved to Decatur, IL when I was 16. My cousin Georgianna Burton who lives in Columbus, Indiana did a family tree last year. You might try to contact her. She does not do email or computer communication, and I am sure you can find her in the phone book. I had an uncle Monte when I lived in Edinburgh. and I have heard of Wilbur. My dad was William Streeval and he was born in 1909 and died about 1986. His father was O.D. Streeval and his mother was Maggie and I think they came from Columbia Ky or somewhere around there. My mother is out of town right now and she has my cousins phone number if you would like it. Let me know and and I will get it for you. Also in Edinburgh, In in the cemetery there are a lot of Streeval's buried there.

By Kim Martin on Thursday, April 27, 2000 - 01:03 pm:

I am looking for relitives of my grandfather Wilbur Streeval b.July 24,1922 d.Aug. 2,1994. His family is from Columbia Kentucky(I think). His fathers name was Monte Streeval and I know he had an aunt named Stella Streeval but this is all that I know and with my grandfather being gone it is hard to get anymore info. Any more info would be very helpfull. Thanks!

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