Seeking children of my Amasa Spencer jr and Nancy Meek spencer

Kentuckiana Genealogy: Queries: General Queries: Seeking children of my Amasa Spencer jr and Nancy Meek spencer
By Patsie MHatley ( on Monday, November 12, 2001 - 12:01 am:

am hoping someone in Kentucky may know these names am looking for the children of my Amasa Spencer jr, son of my 4 gggg grandfather Amasa Spencer sr, and nancy Meek daughter of my gr, gr, gr grandfather David Meek. They were married on 7 February 1833 in Jennings count indiana but both were born in Pulaski county kentucky and had parents and so forth in Kentucky. Amasa parents were Amasa Spencer sr, and Mary Polly meek, and nancy meek parents were David Meek and Candis Eadout. Please help. Thanks.

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