Looking for relatives of Joseph and Kate Widmer

Kentuckiana Genealogy: Queries: General Queries: Looking for relatives of Joseph and Kate Widmer
By David Domine ( on Saturday, September 03, 2005 - 01:28 pm:


I am still looking for information about the early occupants of 1228 South Third Street in Louisville, or any other interesting tidbits about the Old Louisville neighborhood.


By David Domine ( on Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 01:51 pm:

My name is David Domine and I have a book out entitled GHOSTS OF OLD LOUISVILLE: True Tales of Hauntings from America's Largest Victorian Neighborhood from McClanahan Publishing House, inc. (ISBN 1-913383-91-0) I have several follow up books in the works, all of them dealing with "true" ghost stories and legends from the Old Louisville neighborhood that also highlight the history and architecture of the area. If you have any stories or info about your families, etc. from Old Louisville that you might want considered for future books, please contact me at:
davidram13@iglou.com or dadomine@ius.edu .

David Domine

By David Domine ( on Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 01:44 pm:

I live at 1228 South Third Street in Louisville, Kentucky. It was built around 1894 for Joseph C. Widmer and his wife Kate (Webb?) Widmer who lived there till 1901 or so. He was the business manager for the National Tobacoo Works at the corner of 18th and Main? in Louisville. Any information about them would be appreciated.

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