Kentuckiana Genealogy: Interesting Stories: Valuable Accessions
By Board Administration (Admin) ( on Friday, June 15, 2001 - 01:49 pm: |
An extraordinary immigration of young girls during 1781 is noted by several historians. This region abounded in unmarried young men, as all new countries do, and the pouring in of a tide of the opposite sex was a matter of great interest to all inhabitants, whether personall affected or otherwise. One chronicler of the time writes, with all the seriousness and propriety due to a matter of greatest solemnity, that "the necessary consequence of this large influx of girls was the rapid and wonderful increase of population." Doubtless he meant that the greater morality of a country peopled by families served as an inducement for further immigration. Many of the present families in Louisville trace back to the marriages of this and the early following years.
*From History of the Ohio Falls*
Submitted by Angie